Working @ IDN

Working at Integration Developer Network

We recognize that our people are the reason why we exist. Without them we will not be able to realize the goals of our clients and our stakeholders.

We invest in our people just as we invest in other assets and investing in our people is the core of our business strategy. We demand performance from our people and we reward them for their efforts. Our commitment is to create an environment where our people enrich their lives.

We promise you as an employee:
  • A chance to grow as you perform
  • A chance to work in the best of industry environments
  • A passionate and committed team of co-workers
  • A friendly and competitive atmosphere
  • An opportunity to make real money while enjoying yourself
  • A learning experience beyond compare

Training & Development:

Knowledge, coupled with experience, is the currency of service. Employees and associates at Integration Developer Network are encouraged to participate in programs designed to enhance their existing skills and to integrate new emerging technologies into their skill sets in order to keep pace with the rapidly changing technology world.

Ongoing Certification:

We encourage our professionals to seek professional certifications to validate their skills and enhance credibility for the clients who deal with them. Continuous process of formal training and project assignments ensures that our consultants secure expertise in the leading edge tools and technologies.

» Working @ IDN

» Job Opportunities

» Current Openings

» LCA (Labour Condition Applications)


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